- Canvastown School
Primary School
- Havelock Mainly Music
To provide music based activities for babies to preschoolers and their care givers in a nurturing Christian environment. Each session lasts approximately half an hour and is followed by morning tea and time for adults to chat and children to play.
- Havelock School
Primary School Education
- Havelock Community Library
Providing books to the school and community
- Linkwater Play Centre
To provide quality pre-school education under the National Guidelines of the NZ Playcentre Federation.
Playcentre philosophy is based on child-initiated play and recognises the parents as the first and best educators of their own children.
Playcentre families receive a unique early childhood experience with opportunities for families to learn together.
- Linkwater School
- Okiwi Bay Community Education R E A P
To provide Rural People with New Learning Skills
- Outward Bound School
Schools - Adventure based learning and development provider
- Pelorus Community Preschool Incorporated
To provide quality early childhood education and care
- Rai Valley Area School
- Rai Valley Community Library
Provide library services to the Community
- Rai Valley Playgroup
To provide a place for parents and young children, a place to meet on a regular basis.
- Havelock Community Education Service
Adult education Programmes
- Senior Net Marlborough Sounds
Computer & digital camera instruction and assistance.
- Waitaria Bay Community Library
Providing a library service
- Waitaria Bay School